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Hello & Welcome

Flowers Exhibition

Hi i'm Laura Lion

Your Feminine/ Masculine Energy & Sovereignty Coach

MY story (so far)

12 years ago and at 26 years old I was living in Southampton, England quite content with my life. I had a boyfriend, apartment, stable job working as a trainee lawyer and studying my degree in Law part time. I had enough money to feel safe and hosted dinner and games nights at the weekend. I had on paper everything needed to be happy. But unfortunately I was not at all satisfied....

The breakup of the relationship one day caused everything to change in 24 hours. I could finally see everything so much clearer. Two weeks later I handed in my notice at the law firm, a few weeks later I stripped my apartment from top to bottom and gave it a huge makeover, shaved half my hair and bought a yellow Volkswagen Beetle I'd always wanted.

Shortly afterwards I embarked on what I didn't know at the time would be a 6 year travelling adventure taking me to Australia, Asia, South America and back to Europe to buy my first motorhome to live in. During my travels I met so many beautiful and interesting people who shared their wisdoms with me. I met men and women who showed me so much about myself, my wounds, life and the universe.

4 years ago I visited Portugal. People ask me - why Portugal? I cannot explain it. Only to say that I felt pulled here. I visited with my old van initially (blog post here) and when I had to go back to England to sort out some bureaucratic stuff I promised the beautiful lands here that I would return as soon as I could to buy my own piece of beauty. It took me 2 years and a European trip with my donkey and dog (see blog here!) but eventually I made it back. I found some land quite quickly and am now settled here. Finally I have time and space to put down some roots and share my teachings I've collected along my way with other souls.

Why feminine energy?

I grew up in a household with a lot of masculine energy and where feminine energy (expressing emotion, 'being') was not recognised or rewarded. My family were very sporty and I quickly took on a 'tomboy' 'sporty' character. I felt I stood out from other girls and didn't want to be like 'other girls'. Most of my friends were guys and I struggled to connect with females.

When my aforementioned (quarter - life?) crisis happened, I began to question everything and wanted to try on some different hats.

On my travels I felt so drawn to shaving my hair. I felt that so much of my femininity was held in my hair and in having a 'good hair day' that I wanted to challenge that. See my blog post here.

My biggest passions are relationships and communication. Connection is everything for me and at the heart of connection (until we perfect telepathy!) is communication.

Years of being in and out of therapy in my 20's taught me a lot about myself and my self-expression. In fact it saved my life. Fast forward to 2019 and I discovered feminine energy in a deeper way. It taught me how to express myself from a very authentic, vulnerable (brave) way and manage complex PTSD. In 2021 I experienced a very challenging breakup. I turned to feminine energy to help me see where it had all gone wrong and was determined to change my energy up and get the relationship back.  This deepening of wisdom revolutionised my life and it felt like a missing piece of the puzzle. I saw people's energy shift instantly in front of my eyes simply by being more aware of my own and softening. (By the way the guy did come back around eventually, and I believe this was due to the change-up in my energy.)

The more I travel through my relationship to feminine energy the more I realise how deep a subject it is. How it is connected to career, finances, all relationships, confidence, lifestyle, health..... It is a path I have dedicated my life to exploring and a path I will always be on.


Sovereignty and my mission


"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

- Benjamin Franklin


I grew up in a very comfortable middle-class family and community.  I saw the way money was used with no regard to the effect on anything or anybody else. I remember watching the Romany gypsies around me (a part of but also excluded from my community) and feeling so drawn to their lifestyle. I never could tell anybody this but the feeling never left. When I travelled I discovered more ways of living freely and slowly began to piece together exactly how I wanted my life to look and feel.


At first however I had no idea. And so spent much of my late 20's/ early 30's simply just doing the opposite of what I saw the masses doing. (A behaviour I later realised meant that I was inevitably still controlled by the masses).

Having lived 'outside' of society for so long now, I am finally coming back, in my own way.

I am enjoying exploring sovereignty in all its beauty - sovereignty of person, emotions, living.....

As a teenager I felt very little freedom or support. No one telling me about my body, menstrual cycle, emotions, sex, how to relate in a healthy way.  I feel that it is my life's mission to honor my teenage self - dreamingly and slightly ashamedly gazing at the Romany gypsies by sharing all I know to women and girls everywhere. No question or problem is too small, silly or embarrassing. And you are definitely, not alone.

My life now

I have been living off-grid in the mountains of Alentejo, South Portugal since 2021. I am building my first wood cabin (a dream of mine for a decade). Living here has not always been easy (see blog post here). But it has been the making of me as a woman. To learn all about water and solar systems and what to do if they go wrong, manage projects, people and emotions.

Right now I live here alone with my dog Amber. We enjoy our walks up the mountains or along the river, pottering around the land, beautifying it and tending to the vegetable garden. It is so peaceful here and I love the feeling of containment here, walk off into the mountains and scream if I need to, dance naked if I want to. It can also be very confronting. There is no escaping anything, thoughts, emotions. There are few distractions. (The nearest shop is 40 mins away).

We also love exploring the beautiful beaches of the Algarve in my van together.

You can see a video of the land here......

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